

The quality of being a person; existence as a self-conscious human being; personal identity.  or a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities

Personality Disorders

There are many different types of personality disorders. 

Antisocial Disorder-

It can be characterized as a long- standing pattern of a disregard for other people's rights.

Borderline Disorder-

a person who suffers from this disorder is usually characterized as unstable.

Avoidant Disorder-

people who suffer from this disorder usually suffer from low self- esteem and have trouble talking to people.

Dependent Disorder-

people with this disorder suffer from the need of attention.

Obsessive- compulsive disorder-

People who suffer from this disorder are characterized by their lack of openness and are usually unable to do their daily routines.

Personality can be good or bad. People choose the way they act and they can change the way they portray themselves. 

The Four Types of Personality Parts

 Mental Mechanism-

Perform basic psychological functions necessary to the operation of more complex aspects of personality.

 Mental Models-

Representations about a particular topic or subject


 personality features that reflect the operation of a particular area of personality


 perform an extensive set of the functions of personality.

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